Monday, January 6, 2014

    East Coast Sports Columnist Calls Out Carroll

    National  sports columnists Norman Chad has angered Seattle Seahawks fans with a surprisingly bitter column on the Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll and the style of play of the team eminating from his leadership.  Beginning the column with praise for quarterback Russell Wilson, the column goes off on a misguided rant of everything related to the team.  The genesis of the column seems to have been a gesture made by Carroll in his early days as an assisted coach, something that could easily have been done by an immature upstart caught in the heat of the moment.
    "It was a Jets-at-Dolphins contest on Dec. 20, 1992. After a Tony Martin touchdown catch with 2 minutes 30 seconds to go in the fourth quarter, Dolphins place kicker Pete Stoyanovich missed an extra point that would’ve tied the game, and the TV cameras caught Carroll — then defensive coordinator of the Jets — gleefully putting his hands around his neck in a choke sign"
    The article pokes the 'Hawks for drug suspensions, something that the team should address, but then goes down the low road by saying that the "12th Man"  provides drugs for the team.  An unfair swipe at the fans.  He also criticises Carrolls boundless energy, which fans here find a refreshing divergence from 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh's perpetual glare.
    His shot at Richard Sherman, the Seahawks cornerback was nastier still.  Sherman is one of sport's great stories with a degree from Stanford,  Chad writes that "he is the only Stanford graduate to ever earn a degree in trash talking"  The column says that Carroll does not deserve Russell Wilson, when it was in fact Coach Carroll that played Wilson when no one else thought it was

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