Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Walla Walla Teen Memories--The Hi-Fi Show

    Contests and rock radio go hand in hand, KTEL had a daily contest that was somewhat unusual.  The Hi-Fi Show, I remember from 1970 on.  Hosted usually by Dave "Rockin" Cochran, it started with the Coca Cola jingle (it's the real thing).  Then Cochran would introduce the show and instruct everyone that a Hi-Fi card was needed to play.  For those too young to get a driver's license or a credit card, the Hi-Fi card was a must have for the wallet.  Each card had a number, many cardholders still incredibly remember their number.  My first was 1572-B.  Cochran would tell the listeners how to get the card.  The KTEL offices "high atop the Book Nook Building". Back then, KTEL had a downtown office and studio, while the transmitter and tower were on 2nd and Tietan, the night broadcasts were at the transmitter site.  The contest was usually to name the song and the artist of a song that he played.  When someone would get a correct answer, Cochran would cut in on the record and say "No more calls please, we do have a winner"  The winner would get a six pack of Coca-Cola, but I think some people just enjoyed getting their name on the radio.

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