Monday, September 30, 2013

    State Democratic Chair Dwight Pelz To Step Down

    Washington State Democratic Chair Dwight Pelz has announced that he will be stepping down at the next Central Committee meeting in February.  Pelz has held the position since 2006.  Perhaps his most towering accomplishment was his role in the upset victory of Jay Inslee over Attorney General Rob McKenna for Governor of Washington.  Although McKenna was thought of as a main stream Republican, Pelz sought to portray him as a Tea Party crony of Karl Rove, the Republican hatchet man.  
    A strong Liberal, who is a former roommate to notorious radical Jeff "The Dude" Dowd, to whom the picture "The Big Lebowski was based on, was able to bring together many divergent wings of the party as chair.  When many Eastern Washington Democrats spoke out about running on a platform on gun restrictions, Pelz made sure their voice was heard.   He was also a kind man who always had time to chat with the rank and file.  The Democratic Party did not lose a major state or national election during his tenure.

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