Tuesday, July 9, 2013

    The News At The Zoo

    The 1980s hit makers Huey Lewis and the News played at the Woodland Park Zoo last Sunday.  Paying tribute to their most successful album "Sports", Lewis quipped it came out in 1983, before "the Internet, cell phones, cds, and my bad back". The album was second only to Michael Jackson's Thriller on the 1984 hit charts.   They did every song in order from the album, Lewis mentioned the flip side saying "yes, you had to turn the record over".  They also did a number of other hits, plus a sample from a new album that they are working on. Lewis also brought warm up act Alice Stuart up to perform with him, saying that the band once played warm up at her concerts.
     The band combines Blues, 60s style do wop, a touch of gospel, along with an 80s rhythm.  
    A capacity crowd stood, clapped their hands, danced and sang to an inspired performance by the News.

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