Sunday, May 26, 2013

    The Capitol Movie Theatre

    When I was little in Walla Walla, there were 3 standing indoor movie theatres.
    The Roxy which was closed but still had it's marquee, it was eventually torn down.  The Liberty, which was the main theatre and the Capitol (pictured above).   The Capitol showed mostly foreign movies. It eventually became an X rated movie house before closing. The Capitol was also torn down.   The Liberty, although no longer a theatre, has been preserved because of it's stunning architecture.
    Growing up, with just one theatre in town, it was common to drive to the Tri Cities to watch a first run movie. 
    All the theatres in the area were owned at one time by Sterling Recreation Organization, a Bellevue company.  Known as SRO, it also owned bowling alleys and radio stations.

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