Sunday, December 30, 2012

    So Long To 2012 Part 2

    June  June was a pretty busy month, starting with the State Democratic Convention, it wasn't mentioned in the blog, but the evening before, we went to Benaroya to watch Marvin Hamlisch lead the Seattle Pops.  We did not realize that Hamlisch would pass away soon afterward.  We took a trip to Seaside Oregon with my cousin and her husband and of course, an ever growing Dasher.  The 5th District Democrats sponsored a debate between candidates for the 1st District Congressional race.

    July  The entire month is encompassed by the remodel at work.  The whole family got to ride on The Big Wheel that was after birthday dinner at The Spaghetti Factory , Seattle's latest tourist attraction, on my birthday.  We hosted the Wagners while Ethan pitched in a Pony League Baseball tournament in Enumclaw. 

    August  We watched Kenny Loggins in concert at the Snoqualmie Casino, Seattle TV anchor and WSU classmate Kathi Goertzen passed away.  The King, Felix Hernandez, pitched a perfect game for the Mariners.  First man on the Moon Neil Armstrong died. Also, the Seahawks signed NFL bad boy Terrell Owens in an experiment that went awry and we watched the figure 8 races at the Monroe Fair.

    September For the second year in a row, we went to Walla Walla with the Wagners to visit the wineries. Dasher took second place at the Fido Fest at University Village.  The Seattle Seahawks beat Green Bay after Golden Tate made literally a last second controversial catch on Monday Night Football.

    October Everything is politics as every high profile race in the state is up for grabs.  1972 Democratic Presidential candidate George McGovern died.  Bob and Robyn Scola sponsored an online debate watch party on Facebook.  The Seattle Times angers the state by offering free advertising to Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna, perhaps dooming his campaign.  We celebrated Dasher's 1st birthday.

    November  Big Democratic Sweep.  Obama is reelected, Jay Inslee is elected governor, Mark Mullet becomes the first Democrat in 20 years to represent the 5th district in Olympia.  Debra appeared on New Day Northwest morning TV show to talk about The UPS Store.  Larry Hagman died, just when Dallas is resurrected.

    December  Former Walla Walla rock and roll DJ Dave "Rockin" Cochran's death inspired an article in the UB.  Seattle Rock Group Heart is chosen for induction into the Rock Hall Of Fame.  The Seattle Seahawks make the play-offs  The Holidays.

    Happy New Year!

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