Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Ken Levine Should Be Full Time Mariner Announcer

    Two years after the sad passing of  legendary announcer Dave Niehaus, the Seattle Mariners have announced they will begin the search for a full time replacement.  My choice would be the man who had the position in the early 90s.  Ken Levine replaced Rick Rizzs, who departed for a brief time to work for the Detroit Tigers.  Of course Rizzs was chosen to replace retiring Ernie Harwell.  When Harwell was talked out of retirement, Rizzs came back to the Mariners, where he has been ever since.  After the sudden death of Niehaus, the Mariners decided it was not a good idea to replace such an icon immediately, they instead, rotated amongst several former players and announcers, Levine was amongst those in the mix.
    Levine is an author, a comedy TV writer and a blogger.  He loves the game of baseball and has a distinct descriptive style.  In a current poll on the Seattle PI web site, Levine is running ahead of other proposed replacements.  But first and foremost, he wants the job.

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