Tuesday, July 31, 2012

    Auburn Drive-In Fun Place To Watch A Movie

    Every summer, we try to spend a weekend evening at the Valley 6 in Auburn.  Drive-ins were a part of American culture in the 60s, but went out of favor with the advent of home video players. 
    It is fun to watch a movie under the stars.  You can bring your own food and your dog.  Many people park their trucks or SUVs backwards and bring sleeping bags, assuring their confort.  Talking during the movies is little problem as long as your car friends don't mind.
    Deb and I usually try to pick a B-type movie as watching people and having a picnic is almost as much fun as the movie.There are 6 screeens, usually showing two pictures a night.  Last weekend, we saw "The Watch", a silly comedy with Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn. 
    The Auburn Valley 6 is located at 401 49th St NE Auburn, WA 98002.

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