Tuesday, June 12, 2012

    Ron And Don Drive Seattle Afternoon Radio

    It's easy to dismiss Ron and Don.  They can be sophomoric and annoying. It is hard to tell sometimes if they are joking or not.  They had been rumoured to on KIRO's chopping block since they started the afternoon drive time program in 2006.  But they hang in.  If you get beyond their schtick, which includes rimshot sound effects for some silly one-liners, they know what people in the area are talking about.
    I think that what works for the pair is their talent for involving listeners  in the show. Several times they have given descriptions of fleeing criminal's cars, allowing for tips that turned into arrests.  Most of their topics deal with local events, and while most talk show invoke politics, Ron and Don are rarely, if ever political.  It looks like Ron Upshaw  And Don O'Neil, who are a well traveled pair are going to be pulling the Seattle afternoon drive for a long time,  perhaps going down in broadcast history as Seattle's guilty pleasure.

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