Monday, January 30, 2012

    Democrats Meet In Harmony

    The Washington State Democrats met in Shelton at the Little Creek Casino last weekend and did something you seldom hear Democrats doing, they agreed to agree.   There was very little or no debate as the meeting streamed along.  All four representatives to the Democratic Central Committee were reelected by acclamation after being nominated (in one case from a former opponent) and seconded from the floor. One time Congressional candidate, George Fearing, spoke on how the state's Democrats were the finest in the nation.  An impassioned Roger Erskine,  spoke of  Washington AG and Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Rob McKenna attending a meeting of ALEC, a right wing PAC.  No doubt reelecting the President was at the top of everyone's agenda.
    Aziem "The Dream" Underwood defeated Jennifer Sutton for 8th Congressional District e-board rep.  The newly realigned 8th district now stretches across the Cascades into the more conservative Eastern Washington, making it a real challenge to defeat sitting Congressman Dave Reichert.

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