Thursday, November 10, 2011

    David Frockt Tapped To Advance

    A caucus of Democratic PCOs from Seattle's 46th District has picked Representative David Frockt to move to the Senate, Frockt, a Seattle attorney is in his Freshman year as a legislator. Frockt's nomination will now go to the King County Democratic Central Committee, where if approved, will move to the King County Council.  The seat became vacant in late October by the sudden passing of Scott White.  If Frockt is approved by the KC Council, he will begin his duties as Senator and the 46th will convene again to pick someone to replace Frockt in what would be his former position. 
    The State Senate, the upper house of the Washington State Legislature has one Representative from each district, making it half the size of the House and giving each member a more powerful vote.
    The caucus was held in North Seattle's Olympic View Elementary School.  In addition to the vote, a dinner raised $500 for the Scott White Memorial Education Fund.

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