Saturday, October 22, 2011

    Walla Walla--Do You Remember?

    Most Walla Wallans growing up when I did, or I should say, almost all, remember that the High School was located before 1964, between Palouse and Park Streets just off of Birch. But do you remember???

    1. Walla Walla Community College  WWCC began in the old high school buildings on Park where it would stay until it moved to the current campus on Tausick Way.
    2. A firestation at the corner of Park and Alder
    3.  Albertson's located on East Main, near the Whitman College campus, just before Main runs into Isaacs
    4. Safeway located on Isaacs, next to the Chevron Station
    5. The Public Library located on South Palouse in what would become Carnegie Center

    I would like to, once again, thank Joe Drazan for the picture.  More great history at his blog on Bygone Walla Walla.  A few more lists to come before BOMV moves on.  Thank you for the great response!

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