Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Gone But Not Forgotten Walla Walla Neighborhood Grocery Stores

    For the most part, 7-11 stole them from us, or was it just father time. The corner groceries where you would run to get milk or bread.  One from my early childhood is still around.  The Short Stop Market at 3rd and Yakima.  The above is Green Park Grocery at Isaac and Clinton. 
    1.  Duff's  The only downtown store, with a big freezer stocked with cold beer.  Actually, it was Duff's Dairy.
    2. Anderson's Market  A block from Pioneer Park on Division.  A great place to go to get an ice cream cone or a soda after a hot day at the park.
    3.  Boys Market  Great location--Alder and Wilbur Actually turned into a 7-11.
    4.  Johnny's Market  Down Alder Street from Boys Market
    5.  Green Park Grocery  Pictured above  (thanks to Bygone Walla Walla Blog) across from Green Park School.
    Also Pioneer Market (formerly Storer's and Fred's Alder Street), Maxson's, Demoss, and The Corner Grocery (a block from Paine School)

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