Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    Pete Nordstrom Was Involved In Previous Sonic Ownership

    One of the named partners in the attempt to bring an NBA team back has sports ownership experience, Pete Nordstom said in an interview with KJR morning man Mitch Levy, was in the ownership group led by Howard Schultz that sold the team to Clay Bennett.  Nordstrom said that although there were 58 investors in the Schultz group, a strong board of nine were able in assisting with team decisions.  A "perfect storm" situation took place that prompted the sale of the team to the Bennett group.  Nordstrom said that he voted against the sale, feeling that it would result in the teams relocation. Nordstrom said that the investors voting in favor of the sale thought that Bennett would want to and be able to keep the team in Seattle.
    Erik and Pete Nordstrom, along with Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer are partners with Chis Hansen in an attempt to build an arena that would bring an NBA team back to Seattle.

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